Posted on September 16, 2020

Can I ask you a question before telling you why you should switch to HR Management Software from excel sheets?

Here it is

What is THAT important thing when we didn't get THAT we use to Say that, THAT was really less. Otherwise I can do wonders.

Here, THAT is TIME, yes Time. We all know that effective management of time is the biggest challenge for every business.

After all, time is money and every firm should continuously look for ways to do things faster & better to cope up with today's high competition.

A business is not run by one person but by a large team that includes managers, assistant managers, employees, etc. Keeping the record of all the employees is not an easy task.

If your HR team is still using excel sheets for management of attendance & payroll of employees, then sorry to say, you are losing the hold on your precious time for sure.

It's high time to say
ONLINE HR Management Software.

Now you must be wondering why we should switch to HR software and how is it possible? so many things are dependent on excel sheets.

Here are some reasons why you should use HR software for employee attendance & payroll management instead of excel sheets.

  1. Hectic transactional work :
    Major portion of HR managers' time is consumed by transactional work. Therefore, they are not able to focus on other work. HR management software makes this work much easier and quicker through automatic updation of all the records of salaries & generating salary slip. You don’t need to remember & update everything like in excel sheets.

  2. Error Possibilities :
    Maintaining a manual record of employees is a painstaking process & there is a high chance of errors. HR staff struggle to make sure every detail in their mountain of paperwork is accurate or correct.
    But there are no chances of error in HR management software. Data will be safe and at one place in the software.

  3. E-Attendance :
    Larger the business, the bigger the number of employees. In big companies, many tasks are there that have to be done from different locations by the employees of different departments. In this kind situation, it becomes more difficult to maintain attendance on sheets according to their actual locations.
    But it's so easy on HR management software, you can keep an eye on employees while sitting in a room through GPS based attendance feature. No chaos & miscommunication. Everything will be in front of you, Just crystal clear. No chance of mistake and this all in a few clicks of the mouse.

  4. E-Payment system :
    Paying the salary of hundreds or thousands of employees on time & maintaining the record of deductions & promotions is not an easy thing to do. It's too difficult to circulate payment receipts to all employees and send money to bank accounts.
    HR management software keeps all the records of deductions, promotions & increments, new recruitments, etc and automatically generates salary reports on time & sends it to the bank accounts of employees. This will decrease the chances of mistakes & set the effective employee management process for your business.

  5. E-Leave Management:
    When employees want to get leaves, generally they mail HR managers to ask about the same. HR managers have to read that mail from an already bombarded inbox and check about the details of that employee.
    Sometimes, mails get skipped by the managers also. The whole process consumes a lot of time for managers as well as employees.
    Employees have to apply for a one day leave one week before. If some emergency comes, the situation becomes very difficult for them. It creates unnecessary chaos on both sides.
    In HR software, the number of leaves can be fixed per employee. Employees can apply for leave online and it will be notified to the manager automatically. If the number of leaves exceeds the allowed leaves, salary will be deducted automatically.

Isn’t it time saving and smart?

say bye to excel sheets & get cloud based hr management software

To Conclude, There will be no miscommunication between HR managers and employees as everyone will have details about attendance, salaries, deductions & leaves. Everything is online now and you can use this HR software while sitting in your house, office, while travelling or anywhere.

Invent HR management software is a new age software that provides you with all the above-mentioned features & many more at the right cost. It is highly adaptable, customisable & easy to use.

You will get to believe this, once you login to Invent HR software & its App.

To book your free trial contact at or via call at 98152-55666